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Resource Guide

 Dear Friend,

At Below The Belt our mission is to be there for you and make your journey easier in any way we can. Know that you are not alone!
This Guide was produced to provide a comprehensive list of services and support for you in your journey with cancer.
As you go through this Guide, if you see anything that is not current or an error, or you find something we didn’t list please let us know. If there is something that you need that you can’t find here, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Lastly, feedback is very important to us so please visit https://belowthebelt.org/survey and answer a few anonymous questions.

Our mission at Below the Belt Women’s Cancer Outreach is to address gynecologic cancer on all fronts.
Support- creating and promoting resources for support, networking, and education for all women diagnosed with any gynecologic cancer and their families.
Education – educating the public and healthcare professionals about the symptoms and risk factors for gynecologic cancers to ensure earlier detection and better patient outcomes.
Advocacy - working with policymakers at the local, state, and national levels to ensure the needs of women with gynecologic cancer are met. We advocate for adequate and sustained funding for gynecologic cancer research, awareness programs, and legislation that improves the quality of life and access to care for cancer patients.
Visit https://www.belowthebelt.org/our-programs to learn about what we offer.

The information and listings provided in this guide should not be construed as an endorsement or recommendation by Below the Belt. The content is for informational purposes only. Below The Belt does not offer medical advice or endorse providers of medical services.
The information presented in this guide is not intended in any way to be a substitute for medical advice or professional counseling. Please always include your healthcare providers in any decisions you make regarding changes in nutrition, and exercise routine, and before you include complementary, alternative, or integrative care into your treatment regimen.
This Guide was checked for accuracy on 1/4/24