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Simple Joys

Hi Everyone,

With the loss of my brother, and cousin, and the news that I have some new cancer spots, I have been feeling dominated by cancer these last days, and realized that I need to practice what I preach about not letting cancer define me, about staying in the moment, about thinking of and cherishing all the things cancer cannot take from me. So, here is my list, though partial, of joys that cancer cannot rob me of. Though I have shared this before, it bears repeating. Each of us has a list of these special things. I am going to print mine out and hang it by my computer, to remind me of all that is untouched by my illness. Hopefully a strategy that helps me navigate through the loss, uncertainties, and fears that cancer creates. See if making a list helps you. And keep breathing.

‘Til Next Time,


  • my grandchildren’s smiles and laughter
  • friendships I hold near and dear
  • the ocean rippling around my feet
  • a summer sunset
  • the birds nibbling seed at my feeders
  • texting with a good friend
  • making a great grilled cheese sandwich
  • sitting on our deck with a good book
  • catching up with Facebook
  • watching the swans at Bell’s Neck
  • making pictures out of cloud formations
  • first morning coffee
  • photographing nature
  • eating an outrageous dessert
  • watching a Law and Order marathon
  • staying in my pajamas all day
  • receiving surprise visits to our yard my the local critters – deer, fox, and all
  • sitting on the beach in the early morning, when all is quiet
  • riding the ocean waves
  • laughing ‘til I’m brought to tears
  • getting a phone call from our sons
  • sharing recipes with my daughter-in-law
  • sharing a quiet moment with my husband
  • feeling the support from so many who work to find a cure

…and on and on – endless joys, that nothing can take.